1st Prize  USD 75,000
2nd Prize USD 40,000
3rd Prize  USD 25,000

The winner of the first prize will be contracted for the architectural conception of the project and the production of the detailed preliminary design. He will be remunerated under the conditions of the Lebanese Syndicate of Engineers and Architects. The prize amount will be considered as an advance on his fees. He/she will go into partnership with the engineering office appointed by the contest organiser. This office, in collaboration with the first prize winner, will be in charge of the technical works (structure, fluids, acoustics, project economy, etc) and the execution and the supervision of the works.

If the jury considers that the first prize winner is not able to carry on the project, the jury will ask him to go in partnership with an architect of his choice. The jury and the competition organiser should agree upon this architect.

The competition organiser has the right to modify the project during its study phase with the consent of the prize winner.